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Why Wait - Supporting youth in Botswana


In Botswana, the number of people living on less than $5.50 per day is 59.10% macro trends in 2023. According to UNICEF, approximately 49% of children aged 0-18 years in Botswana live in multidimensional poverty. Children from poor families often face difficulties and limitations in accessing resources and opportunities that sing important for their personal and intellectual development. Capacity building helps these children develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they need to overcome these challenges and reach their full potential.

This can include developing problem-solving skills, communication skills, leadership skills, and a positive attitude. By building their skills, children from poor families can gain the tools they need to succeed in school, find better employment opportunities, and improve their overall quality of life.

Thanks to the two project activities, we are creating a basis for the youth in Botswana (Maun Region) to get to know themselves better, to know their limits, aspirations and abilities, and to be an equal member of society.

The aim is to give the young people the opportunity to develop professionally as well as personally and to support them in developing leadership skills.

Lehikeng activities for the year 2023

Part 1: "Why wait" project

Through this project, we hope to find solutions to these social challenges before they come to fruition and become widespread. The goal is to educate young people about the risks/dangers of sex and alcohol and how to make responsible, informed, and confident decisions.

This project includes a three-day event with workshops, classes, and activities aimed at building meaningful relationships with youth to create an environment where they can thrive with the right guidance and support.

Part 2: Skills Development

Everyday tasks such as housekeeping or motor vehicles

  • Basic sewing skills: Replacing or reinforcing a button, repairing an open seam or hem

  • Using standard tools such as screwdrivers, hammers, pliers, etc. to tighten, loosen, etc.

  • Checking tire pressure on car, filling with air

  • Pumping gasoline and checking fluids

  • What to do in case of a car accident.

  • How to plan meals and cook some simple but satisfying meals from scratch

  • Laundry and housekeeping

  • Babysitting and pet sitting

Develop personal boundaries

The key to social-emotional learning is self-awareness and self-acceptance. Empathy, collaboration, compromise, and healthy personal boundaries are the foundation.

Key social-emotional skills:

  • Self-awareness and self-acceptance

  • Healthy romantic relationships and consent

  • Working with others in a team

  • Development of personal boundaries

  • Loyalty and dependability to those who depend on you

  • Anger management and impulse control

  • Empathy

  • Skills to cope with anxiety and depression

  • Use of social media with discretion and healthy objectivity

Money Management

  • Budgeting, saving, spending, and charitable giving

  • Credit cards and credit scoring

  • Online money processing systems (Venmo and Cashapp)

  • How to file an income tax return

  • How to apply for financial aid, ask for debt forgiveness, or negotiate a lower rate

  • How mortgages and loans work

Cross-cultural communication

  • Discussing and persuading without overly emotional pleas or attacks

  • Writing and managing emails

  • How to verbally ask for help or advocate for yourself

  • Polite greetings, farewells and introductions


Since job satisfaction is a key component of overall happiness, work-related skills are a worthwhile addition to the list of life skills.

  • Explore potential careers

  • Apply for jobs online

  • Create a resume

  • Sending a professional email and following up with inquiries

  • Conduct interviews (in person and via online conference)

  • Entrepreneurship and the gig economy

  • Patriotism and volunteering

Time Management

  • How to break a big task into manageable chunks and schedule them for a deadline

  • Making adequate time for rest, relaxation/sleep and social obligations in addition to work and school commitments

  • Keeping a calendar, setting reminders and alarms

  • Blocking out time from schedules

  • How to limit distractions in order to work with focus and thoroughness

  • How to catch up with a backlog

Self-care, medicine and wellness

  • Keeping dental, vision test, and medical appointments

  • Recognizing when help is needed and seeking out professional resources

  • Prioritizing restorative hobbies, healthy friendships and sleep

  • Finding a form of physical activity that is fun and incorporating it into a regular routine

  • Figuring out what ratio of macronutrients is best and maintaining that diet as a lifestyle

  • Basic first aid (and perhaps emergency measures like CPR)

  • How health insurance works

  • Recognizing healthy eating and eating disorders

Problem solving

The ability to solve problems grows as youth gain experience in the other areas of life skills.

  • Know who and how to ask for help: Who is in charge and what is the right protocol for getting help?

  • Googling requests and checking information sources for bias/misinformation.

  • How to organize documents/information, especially digital files, for future reference


We have the pleasure to realize this great project in cooperation with Lehikeng Capacity Building and Development Trust. We are already working with the founder Beauty on other projects and have developed great trust and a long lasting friendship - therefore we are convinced of the success of the project and are happy to be able to focus on the youth in Botswana now.



On behalf of its donors, the Rütli umbrella foundation helps fund more than 150 charitable institutions and projects a year. These are mostly long-term partnerships in order to be able to support projects sustainably and help them become successful. 

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Website Creation Isabelle Tschugmall - in the middle

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