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Why: Long-term effects on the local community due to the causes of current social problems.

What: Organization of a course that combines a wide range of skills to strengthen a healthy young next generation. Also, empowering local volunteers and teachers for sustainable impact.

How: By bringing together experts (locals and expats), organizing inspiring talks, and promoting local female role models (supporting our pillar of women’s empowerment).

Take part in our “Level Up” workshops in Botswana!

Our workshops will take place in the heart of Botswana, in July 2024 and we are looking for volunteers like you to act as mentors.

Why volunteer as a mentor?

Impact: Address critical educational needs.

Competence development: Helping to discover personal strengths.

Cultural understanding: promoting intercultural competence. Practical

Skills: Guide to mastering digital tools.

Entrepreneurial Mindset: Empowering Botswana's Talents.

As a mentor, you will actively design the program, interact with participants, and guide them in mastering essential skills. Although you have to cover all travel costs yourself, you will gain invaluable insight into Botswana's vibrant society. Contact us for further details.


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© 2020 - The Small Village Botswana // Zurich, Switzerland

Website Creation Isabelle Tschugmall - in the middle

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