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In the picture you can see Goitse - Isabelle (President) has known her for a good three years now. Goitse is a Motswanian that we have been supporting for a long time. At the beginning of the pandemic, by being able to continue to buy food for the family and continue to pay for the education of the two children.

Now it goes on - we made it possible for her to do further training in the area Hospitality, Lodge, Management and now she is graduating unpaid internship. True to our motto - help for self-help.

On Monday, February 1st, 2021 it was time for Goitse. Thanks to your donations, we were able to pay for Goitse's training at the local Career Dreams Center and she will now complete her training in July 2021.

With a small amount of less than CHF 700, complete further education and thus a big step into a self-determined life for Goitse and her family is secured.

Power woman

We are really proud of this powerful woman and also of being able to offer help directly on site.

Female empowerment in Botswana is a project close to our hearts - and now we are happy to see how a big step towards Goitse's dream is being taken.

You too can help us and support us directly on site. You are welcome to contact us and we will put you in touch with the power women of Botswana.

We would be happy to introduce you to the Motswan women who would like to do an apprenticeship in the area of safari guides, health care or a care center for the elderly, for example.

We thank you in advance for YOUR support.

Power woman

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© 2020 - The Small Village Botswana // Zurich, Switzerland

Website Creation Isabelle Tschugmall - in the middle

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